
 Cpanel Protects From Hackers

Hello, You must keep CMS up to date. Once this happens the attacks will stop or come to a...

 CPU resource usage

SHARED SERVERS Overline India allows a maximum of 25% CPU usage limit. You may exceed this limit...

 How can I make a stronger password?

Password Selection It is important to have a password that is easy to remember, but hard to...

 How can I prevent hacking?

1. The most important thing to do is keep your passwords a secret. If you must give a password to...

 How does a website infected by Google Attack?

As per our research following are the main reason to come Google Attack Page First, it knows the...

 How to handle the Google Attack Page?

When you see the dreaded Google attack site warning, you should immediately submit a...

 It’s a trap! Phishing Scams and Malware

Phishing scams and malware infected sites are some of the many problems that the Abuse &...

 mod_ssl 2.8.xx and PCI

The Mod_ssl 2.8.x issue which is affecting your PCI compliance is a false positive as far as...

 My account was hacked!

If you are the victim of a hacker, immediately submit a ticket and our experts will investigate...

 SQL injection, insertion

SQL injection is an attack where malicious code is passed to an SQL Server for execution. The...

 The Ultimate Guide to Fixing and Recovering Your Hacked Website

Having your website hacked is one of the worst feelings in the world. It can do major damage to...


 What happens to someone abusing system resources?

The offending site will be suspended and the owner will be given an opportunity to fix the...

 What is INODES limit?

An inode is basically a file - so say you had 1,000 images, that'd be 1,000 inodes. Every file (a...