Hello 365ezone Family! We hope that you are having a fantastic weekend.

In our previous announcement, we mentioned that additional positive news would be coming, and today we have the privilege of informing you of what we have planned in order to improve our services.

At the moment, all of the 365ezone servers are on rented hardware - and admittedly some of the hardware are not so modern, and should be retired. Today we are pleased to announce that we are offering a significant upgrade to your VPS at no additional cost, we are upgrading your server to be on brand new Haswell CPU's as well as SSD cached storage for a huge performance increase!

365ezone have spent a lot of resources the past few months and worked hard in order to invest in moving our infrastructure to fully owned hardware, and we are not settling for anything but the latest and most cutting edge technology. All 365ezone clients will be upgraded at no extra charge to our new owned hardware. Our new fully owned servers include better hardware than our rented infrastructure, we are using brand new CPU's, and they have advanced SSD caching technology giving you excellent speeds! With technology continuing to advance and the popularity of SSD's rising, we are taking advantage of this by SSD caching our servers which provides you with the benefit of speed that SSD's offer without compromising on storage.

During this process, we are also upgrading from RHEL5 to RHEL6 which means we will now have Ubuntu 12.04 (or higher) and Debian 7+ support.

Since the opening of 365ezone in 2009, we have always strived to be an innovative company. Thanks to clients like you, we are very proud to be moving our servers onto fully owned equipment, as this will allow us to provide more competitive services and gives us more control over our infrastructure, which ultimately results to a better experience for you, the valued customer.

As our existing provider we are renting our servers from does not provide colocation services in order to house our new equipment, we are moving our servers into another facility in Dallas called Tierpoint.

During the process of retiring our rented hardware and moving on to our owned equipment located in the Tierpoint Dallas facility, a quick IP change to your VPS is required. We are moving one node at a time and we will begin this process as soon as possible. We aim for all VPS's to be moved onto our owned servers by the end of next week at the latest. You will be emailed with your updated VPS IP address as soon as your VPS has been migrated onto our new equipment.

365ezone is committed to providing each and every client with superior service. If you have any feedback or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

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